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Sell Your Products
to Our Club Members!

Q: Are you tired of fighting your so-called "Woke" competitors to attract Conservative customers and sales?
It's no secret Woke business owners promote and support Woke social and cultural agendas, causes, and leaders, which lead to increased government regulation, taxes, and government-overreach, all of which negatively impact the bottom-line of your business and ours.
Join us in flipping-the-script on the Left, and partner with the Ammo-Can Coffee Social Club to strengthen our conservative community, business environment and local economy.  
When you Register as an Affiliated Business, we will market and sell your products and services to our conservative Ammo-Can Coffee Social Club members! 

To offer and sell products and services through the Ammo-Can Coffee Social Club eStore, an Affiliated Business must agree to these terms and conditions, and then complete the following three steps:

  1. Agree to the Club Mission Statement and Three Empyreal Acknowledgements, 

  2. Sign-up to become a Member.

  3. Register as an Affiliated Business.


Once approved you will receive notice you are able to log-in and start populating the eStore with your sale items and services.

Image by Christin Hume
Image by Jamie Street

Now that you're both Registered and Approved, it's time to

Log-In to the Affiliate Business "Sellers-Dashboard"

and list your products and services! 


Once logged-in:

  • Complete all required fields.

  • Make sure to provide a good photo and/or description of each item or service for sale.

  • Clearly identify your customer sales, shipping and return policies.


The Ammo-Can Social Club will maintain the eStore and promote listed items on social media, on it's podcast, and in periodic membership emails.


You will receive payments direct deposited to your account via PayPal once you have fullfilled your customer's order. The Club will receive a small administrative commission on-top of your published price. 


Your promotion of the eStore will drive additional business to the Club and increase exposure for other Affiliate Businesses!

Register Your Email & Get Updates on Special Events 

© 2015-2023 by Ammo-Can Coffee, LLC

All Rights Reserved

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