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  • Handmade
  • Materials: velvet, feathers

  •   A modern and luxurious take on the classic bow tie. Our feather bow ties are handcrafted to reflect the natural beauty of each feather therefore offering a memorable yet sophisticated look. Our feathered bow ties are made with peacock and pheasant feathers. We take great pride in the quality, artistry and authenticity of our designs.  Above all, We Mandujour are dedicated to creating one-of-a-kind bow ties that stand the test of time. In many cultures, feathers symbols have always represented a connection to spiritual realms and to divinity. Because of their connection to birds, they have always been a symbol of flight and freedom, not just physically, but also in a mental or spiritual sense. So we decided to combine fashion with the best symbol of flight and freedom to help elevate your c

    This gorgeous English Mallard Duck wing feather bow tie is sure to make you stand out with their beautiful midnight blue coloring and white tips.The blue highlights will glow and alter under different lights. These feather bow ties are the perfect bow ties for many occasions. Most of our customers use our feather bow ties to go to wedding events, gala, bow tie event, family photo shoots or used to empress your co workers.

    No Ducks were  not harmed to obtain feathers. It is natural for a ducks to lose 200 feathers per year.  Feathers may vary in size and coloring, as these are natural feathers,


    Ducks symbolize many things. These birds are connected with the spiritual world by many bonds. Because of their various capabilities, ducks are believed to be able to travel between the realms of spiritual forces and the world of our reality. It is believed they can communicate between the physical universe and the mystical spiritual spheres.Ducks are able to both fly and swim and so their skills represent those concepts mentioned. A flying duck is associated with spiritual freedom and the swimming one represents the realm of unconsciousness; Ducks are highly valued and admired by people, for all their lovely characteristics.Buy yours Today!

    All Duck Feather Bow Tie with Feather Lapel Pin Set

    SKU: 784525963
    Excluding Sales Tax

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